Raspberry & Ascolano Dressing
Summers are longer and hotter, and although it is only June 5th, today's forecast is 107ºF, which means it's too hot to cook. Rather than publish a regular recipe, I thought I'd share some inspiration for all of you who purchased the Italian Raspberry Balsamic Vinegar at the end of May, and if you haven't yet purchased it, I put it back on special promotion for another week just now, so you have another chance!
Fruit & Flowers
We have abundant arugula in the garden, so Donald purchased some Spring Mix baby greens last week mostly made up of frisee (curly endive) a bit of baby red leaf lettuce to add to it. We made a simple salad with burrata, fresh raspberries, and the petals from feijoa blossoms from our trees, and dressed the whole thing with a 50/50 blend of Lucero Ascolano EVOO and Italian Raspberry Balsamic Vinegar.

Sweet & Subtle
I recognize that "food influencers" continue to push bold flavors with more spices and more heat, however, sometimes it is the simplest things that give the most pleasure.
Imagine dressing a vibrant spring salad of baby lettuces with this exquisite blend of Ascolano EVOO, celebrated for its highly aromatic profile with a distinctive peach aroma and a green herbal finish paired with Italian Raspberry Balsamic Vinegar, which boasts a rose-like aroma and a pronounced fresh raspberry flavor.
Add the creamy indulgence of burrata, the burst of fresh raspberries, and the delicate, sweet-spicy notes of feijoa blossoms, and you have a simple dish that not only looks beautiful but also offers a delicate array of flavors and textures.
Stay cool out there. Whether you'll be dining big and bold or subtle and sweet this week, we hope you enjoy the abundance of the season.
- Liz & Donald