June 30, 2023

Asian Fusion Beef Bonus Recipe!

Asian Fusion Beef Bonus Recipe!

Donald was making an unrelated beef stock the night we assembled and photographed the Cold Asian Noodle Salad. We'd finished photographing and then eating our work, then Donald returned to stock making*.

The stock cooked for a more than three hours and the meat was very tender, so he picked the beef from the bones and combined it with some leftover noodle dressing.

To say we were wowed is an understatement. 

The acidity and sweetness of the dressing significantly brightened the beef, and we instantly regretting eating all of the noodles before combining them with our new-found food pairing and capturing a more complete image.

For a more hearty and non-vegan version of our Cold Asian Noodle Salad consider adding some meat like this or, alternatively, a quick cooked meat such as  pan fried chicken breast which you can shred into the salad.

* Don uses beef neck bones ($2.98/lb) for stock making as they have a good ratio of meat, cartilage, fat, and bone that yield a flavorful stock with excellent body, and meat which is very tender when cooked for a long time in water.