Olivewood Serving Plate
If you regularly host olive oil tastings, three of our olive oil tasting glasses fit nicely on each plate.
Also shown with assorted sushi, this little plate is terrific for appetizers, a composed salad, petit fours, or pastries. One can imagine an intermezzo course with a delightful palate cleanser over a multi-course dinner, perhaps. I regret that, due to unacceptably irregular construction, the Olivewood Chopsticks I used to offer are no longer available.
Key Facts
- Single piece construction
- Approximately 10"x 3.75" x 1" and somewhat rustic in finish
- Sustainably sourced olivewood
- Imported from North Africa
- Each piece is unique
How to care for your olivewood
Keep your olive wood in good condition. Please hand wash (do not soak) and hand dry. For maintenance, treat wood with mineral oil or wood butter. This will enhance the grain, seal the wood from moisture, and prevent cracking. We do not recommend using cooking oil for treatment because it will become rancid. For more information about olivewood and its care see our posts The Beauty of Olivewood and Thoughts on the Care of Olivewood.
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